Sunny’s Story
Sunny Sophie Gabrielle, Born in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and raised in Saudi Arabia and Lebanon until she was 20 years old. Sunny spoke three languages by the time she was 3 years old. She was graduated from University of San Francisco with honors in sociology and theology. She helped children and young adults to breakthrough emotional blocks and barriers so they could live an empowered and fulfilled life. She practiced several modalities including Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and held certifications in Neurolinguistics Programming (NLP), Life Coaching, Executive Coaching, and Timeline Dynamics.
Sunny and her mother had been working on their mother/daughter memoir called 11 Hours to Freedom where they share they journey of escape, freedom and healing. They started a global movement to help save 100M+ women and their children from this insidious abuse. They also co-founded The Love is Kind Movement on Facebook here – to spread that real love is kind, not terrorizing. “It’s time to stop the terror that’s destroying families and lives; it’s time to stop family terrorism because when women and children can break free of the shackles that bind them in abuse, they can live a happy, productive and prosperous life.”
Sunny spearheaded and we co-created National Love is Kind Day, celebrated on July 27th. Plus, she and I co-authored The Love is Kind Pledge. Get your beautiful free COPY HERE of this empowerment declaration:
Sunny achieved her complete freedom sadly, when her young 33-year-old heart gave out June 2022, which released her from the suffering caused by the weight of her childhood trauma. Peace be with you my Sunny Angel.
The memoir her mother and her started, 11 Hours to Freedom, will be completed and Sunny’s voice and messages will be heard.
#TheLoveisKindMovement #TimesUpOnDomesticViolence #EndFamilyTerrorism #LoveisKindNotTerrorizing #BeKindtoChildren
love without judgment
People need to be more compassionate, patient and understanding and open minded to people’s healing journey without judgment. When Judgment comes into the picture it turns into “victim shaming” which is not good and re-triggering and hurts more than helps. So PLEASE be KIND and sensitive when someone you know and love are going through UNTHINKABLE pain!
~ Sunny Sophie Gabrielle
7 Pillars
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THE PATH–11 Freedom Fulfilment Pillars Guidebook
to Reclaim
Your Voice, Value, Confidence and Courage
after experiencing abuse.
You deserve to be treated with Kindness, and that starts with you being kind to yourself, ,and you do that when you take ACTION by having a conversation with ROSIE.
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