A Special Day for Thanks

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While our lives are not perfect–we may face health challenges, financial challenges, living situation challenges, and other personal challenges–we can still find something, someone for which we are grateful.

For it’s this gratefulness that shows us the bounty in this life and reminds us that despite the hardships we face, we can create through our own perception, interpretation and action the goodness that life has to offer.

Here are a few things and people for whom I’m grateful for which I hope will inspire you to create your own list.

What and who can you put on your Thanksgiving list?

Not in any particular order:

  • Ice cream (Now you know why I had to say not in any particular order.)
  • The love of my life—with whom I feel unconditional love and endless kindness.
  • My daughter, who continues to teach me, and who I get to love unconditionally.
  • My brother, for helping get my freedom.
  • My family and friends—without whose love and support I would not be where I am today.
  • The coaches, therapists, and other healers who have helped and continue to guide me to my true freedom.
  • My ex—who has been the most painful teacher of all—yet who forced me to find my voice and my authentic self so I could live this life fully.
  • I’m grateful that I am empathetic and compassionate, for not all people are.
  • For my strong and healthy body.
  • My eyes, so I can see the beautiful palm trees that surround me and remind me of my freedom.
  • My ears, so I can hear, “I love you.”

I could go on, but I hope my list will be a catalyst for your own.

I love to read other people’s gratitude lists. It reminds of things I forgot.  We can all learn from each other.

For those celebrating, I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving Day with your family and friends.

Whether or not you are celebrating this U.S. holiday, I am grateful to you, because you are the reason I do this work. Thank YOU.

If you haven’t yet, be sure to complete your complimentary Freedom Fulfillment Quiz! to discover you where you are and where you want to be.

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